Fallschirmjager.Biz Information
Helmets: |
Here you will find useful information
relating to World War Two Helmets. In many cases I point out
how to identify replica or fake items. Please feel free to email
me with any coments or improvements to this information on helmets
section. |
1. Faking
a Fallschirmjäger Helmet. The standard reproduction
helmet is aged and made to look authentic WW2! Rusting, decals,
ageing its all in this little snippet! |
2. Recreate
a M1C USA Paratrooper Helmet from a M1 Helmet:
If you have an original M1 helmet and fancy changing or restoring
it to a M1C USA WW2 Paratrooper Helmet read on! |
3. Restoring
a German 7th Airborne Division helmet: This article
demonstrates how a repainted relic helmet is restored back to
the condition in which it was found. |