Fallschirmjager.Biz FAQ's: |
Here you will find useful questions and answers about the
items I sell and the services I provide. |
Q: Do you sell replica Items? A:
I try and sell only genuine items or high quality replicas.
If I do sell a replica item it will be clearly marked as such.
On occasions very good replicas can be used to help determine
the originality of genuine (or not), items and so can be worth
having. However a replica should be reflected by a lower price
and this is the case on my site. |
Q: Will you sell an item on my behalf?
A:Yes - have a look at the 'X-Sales' section.
I will sell your item and take only 25% of the final price.
This is a very good service as many auction houses and online
sites will take much more. In addition I will place &
market your item on several UK and foreign sites (including
this site!), as well as taking it to various military fairs. |
Q: Can you make a custom replica German
Fallschirmjager Helmet for me?
A: Yes I can. You need to supply me with a rough
outline of the model and colour scheme you want and any 'battle
damage', markings and specific wear etc. and I will arrange
it. You cannot be too specific with your requirements as camouflage/wear
etc is quite a skilled art! Email
me with your questions. |
Q: Do you do 'lay Away' Sales?
A: Yes, have a look at my 'Terms & Conditions'
but if you want an item but can't afford the one off payment
then you can pay by easy installments for up to 6 months.
me with your specific request. |
Q: Can you source a specific WW2
Item for me?
A: Yes, I can usually find the item that
you require. Give me an idea of the condition and specifics
of the item and I can contact many dealers and contacts on
your behalf. There is no obligation to buy if I do locate
for you! Be aware, for very rare items this may take several
months or even years! Email
me with your specific request. |