Fallschirmjager.Biz Buying
your items: |
Buying Items: If
you have an item that you think I may be interested in then
please email
me the details. I only buy genuine WW2 items and no reproductions
but welcome any allied or axis items that you wish to sell.
I pay good collectors rates. If you are interested
in me selling your item on your behalf then please click on
the 'X-Sales' link. You will find some of my recently purchased
items below: |
Recently Purchased Items: |
German Heer Fallschirmjager Award Badge:
Purchased: July 2007 - This is the zinc version of the German
Army Paratrooper Badge and was re-introduced in 1943 following
the creation of the 'Brandenburgers' the Army's highly trained
commandos. The badge was also used as a replacement to the original
aluminium badge awarded to original Army paratroopers. This
is one of the 'must have' badges in any Fallschirmjäger
collection. |
War Merit Cross 2'nd Class with Swords:
Purchased May 2007 - Constituted on 18 October 1939, for bravery
and service not in direct combat and as such, it fell just short
of the Iron Cross. The award had two variants: with swords given
to soldiers for exceptional service in battle above and beyond
the call of duty (but not worthy of an Iron Cross which was
more of a bravery award), and without swords for meritorious
service behind the lines which could also be awarded to civilians.