Göring Medal for Outstanding Achievements in the
Technical branch of the Luftwaffe.
(Medaille für Ausgezeichnete Technische Leistung).
This medal was instituted by Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe
Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, instituted on or
after the promotion of Göring to Reichsmarschall
on 19th July 1940. there is thought to be very few of
these awards existing. |
The medal was made from silvered
zinc and was intended to reward Outstanding technical achievements
in the Air Force which could not be awarded with the War Merit
Cross or a similar award. This medal should be considered
as a very rare award for a very important branch off the German
Luftwaffe. The exact number off awards is not currently known. |
This medal was awarded in
a black presentation case and with an award certificate. In
most cases it is extremely rare to find the case, medal and
certificate together. It was awarded to those whose actions
were deemed to be in the furtherance of the luftwaffe war
effort but not directly involved in military operations, such
as Luftwaffe Technical designers and architects etc. Members
of the V1 and V2 rocket teams are know to have been awarded
these medals. |
The medal is 75mm in diameter and 3mm in
width at the edge. The translation on the front reads "The
commander - in Chief of the Air Force, Reichsmarschall Göring"
The reverse features the eagle emblem of the Luftwaffe and
the translation reads "For outstanding achievements
in the technical branch of the Air Force."